Everyone wants to repay debts, but sometimes extenuating circumstances prevent people from paying them off. Serious illness, lay-offs, personal tragedies and other problems they cannot control cause many people to experience unexpected financial instability. If there is no money coming in, how are honest, hard-working Texans supposed to make payments on past-due medical bills, personal loans, car loans or credit card bills?
Why Hire a Debt Collection Lawyer?
While many debt collectors follow federal and state rules, some use unscrupulous and illegal methods to collect on debts. They know most people who owe large sums of money are anxious and worried about their finances. Since debt collectors only make money when they collect via commission, some may engage in threatening, harassing and extortion-like actions to collect on debts.
If you being harassed night and day by a debt collector, contact Austin LRS today for immediate help with finding a debt collection attorney. In addition to putting a stop to intimidating debt collectors calling you at work or at home, a debt collection lawyer knows your rights as described under the Fair Trade Debt Collection Act. They may also be able to help you consolidate debts or advise you on filing for bankruptcy.
What Is the Fair Trade Debt Collection Practices Act?
The FTDCP is a federal amendment that protects consumers from unethical debt collectors. Rules established by the FTDCP state that debt collectors are breaking the law if they:
- Call individuals outside of the hours between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm
- Call individuals at work (you must inform a debt collector in writing or verbally that your employer does not permit such calls in your workplace)
- Contact third parties for reasons other than obtaining your current contact number. Debt collectors cannot call family members or friends and inform them you owe a debt
- Threaten, harass or abuse you on the phone, by mail or in person
- Lie about how much money you owe
- Claim they are with law enforcement
- Threaten you with arrest and/or incarceration if you do not pay a debt
- Threaten to garnish your wages or seize property belonging to you. Garnishment can only be enforced by a judge’s order
If you are being bothered by a debt collector and that collector has violated one or more of these rules, call Austin LRS today to be connected with an experienced debt collection attorney.
How Should a Legitimate Debt Collector Act Towards Consumers?
Debt collectors are required to conduct themselves by providing proper identification (name, company) and stating their reason for contacting you. They are also expected to give the address and name of the creditor and the exact amount of money you owe the creditor.
Consumers must be told by debt collectors they have the right to dispute a debt (in full or in part). A debt collection attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf if you dispute owing a creditor. Debt collection attorneys can also file private lawsuits in federal or state courts to collect damages if a debt collector is found to be guilty of violating the Fair Trade Debt Collection Act.
Do You Need a Debt Collection Lawyer?
Austin LRS has helped hundreds of people put an end to being harassed by aggressive debt collectors. We make it easy for people like you to access professional attorneys specializing in their legal needs. Contact our representatives today for immediate assistance.